Thursday, August 5, 2010


We all have ideas or perception as to the significance or meaning of our gender or sex. It is more important to come to the understanding or revelation of God’s idea of your sexuality because that is what enables us to become who were made to be especially in our relationship with the opposite sex making us effective and helping us develop purpose driven and fulfilling cross-gender relationships. The significance, uniqueness, power, purpose and beauty of our sex is revealed when contrasted with the opposite sex.

Sanctified sexuality refers to the dedication of the expression of our sexuality in relationship with the opposite gender to the plans and designs of God in making the way we are gender wise, such that His image is reflected in our interaction with life and in cross gender relationships.

Why study your sexuality.
1.                        To be aware that there is a divine mystery, purpose and dimension to it. Mystery presupposes a secret that gives those who know it and advantage over those who don’t as well a serious confusion and frustration for those who don’t.
2.                        To help identify your strengthens and weakness
3.                        Helps us be an appropriate tool in the hand of God who made us that way (a mystery) rather than an object of abuse and misuses in the hand of men, who are fallen and ignorant and the enemy who lies and obscures the truth.

4.                        Helps us prepare properly for the future with a focus and understanding on why we were made the way we were and what we were meant to do because of the way were made.
5.                        Helps realize, develop deploy and have faith in who we are making us a standard rather than being conformed to man’s misconceptions about the actual import of your gender.
6.                        Helps you identify the peculiar traps, failures and designs of the enemy adapted to your gender.
7.                        Helps you realize how your peculiarities and abilities are adapted to your purpose and so help’s you effectively and deliberately connect with and identify those for whom your peculiarities are designed.
8.                        Helps you overcome the manipulations of men.
9.                        Knowing the peculiarities of your gender makes you aware of you strengths and weaknesses.
10.                    Develop wisdom and sense of purpose in your relationship with the opposite sex.

Peculiarities of the Female Gender
I have always told the ladies that they need to develop purpose and become deliberate in their relationship with men. I mean every man God’s brings around them. The woman was created primary for relationship with the man. Womanhood presupposes a calling to the man.
1 Corinthians 11:9 NIV
“…9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man…”.

1 Cor 11:9 (NLT)
And man was not made for woman's benefit, but woman was made for the benefit of the man

You may not be wife or girlfriend to every man but you are designed to be a woman, God’s revelation of womanhood to every man God brings around you when you walk in the light of what means when He made you a woman with the power to influence a man’s relationship with you (see the blog on who does the winning in male female relationships)
(John 1:9)

“..The true light lights up every man…” not just your husband
In considering the peculiarities of the female gender, we will look at the general attributes, character, quality, and vulnerability of the female gender as it relates to Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual dimensions of her personality and how she can best take advantage of her strengths and deal with the peculiar weaknesses.

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