Saturday, August 14, 2010

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE WOMAN 2 ? From the manuscript the mysteries of the woman! by Segun Meleki All Rights Reserved ©



I started asking questions from the girls; I remember a young girl told me “we ladies are not wise that’s why we keep getting deceived” another told me, “we don’t like to face the truth we know, we prefer not to deal with reality, so far the guy keeps up the game” I don’t believe women are not wise, I met a lot of smart ladies smarter than the guys messing around with them. 

Matter of fact the two highest IQ's (intelligence quotient) ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to women. Just that when it comes to this relationship thing most just act in a way I consider dumb.

Thursday, August 12, 2010



From the manuscript the mysteries of the woman! by Segun Meleki All Rights Reserved ©

A woman is a mystery and “Only where revelation is known has woman her due place of honor assigned to her”.—Easton's Illustrated Dictionary.

Like most young men, I discovered womanhood or so I thought at a young age, it was a discovery that only reinforced men’s tendency to view and use the woman as a mere tool of amusement and nothing more. I lived in suburban area of my city that was just developing where everybody kept indoors so I really knew nothing significant about the woman until I went to spend holiday with some relative in a densely populated low income area of my city.

It was a shocking difference. It was a heavily populated neighborhood that never seemed to sleep. You saw young gals and guy just hanging out strolling. It seemed the only thing young guys did was chase the girls.

One day, one of my older relatives dared me to run after a girl who was strolling by and toast her meaning try to catch her as my gal. So I went after her to show that I was a man and equal to the task. I never realized then, I was being initiated to the world of men’s relationship with the woman where men chase women for sport. It was an unconscious thing but one thing was clear to show you are a man you have to win a girl.

So I went after her as I strolled briskly to catch up with her, calling her for quite a while with no response, I drew closer and she turned suddenly to face me. For the first time I realized I was confronted with a prey for which I had not developed hunting skills; I experienced heart failure coupled with mind blackout, I was intimidated, I didn’t know what to say I started sweating, I never been in this situation before; never toasted a girl before, what was a guy supposed to say?

“I, em … I am … my brother asked me to call you” was all I could manage to say. Trying to back out of the challenge as honorably as I could quickly imagine.

She looked intently at me and said “tell him I can’t come”

I can’t remember other details but I was glad to end the chase and move away from that embarrassing quest. When I got back to the house everybody was waiting for the report all smiling. “What happened?’

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Can't We Talk?" (condensed from: You Just Don't Understand) by Deborah Tannen

A married couple was in a car when the wife turned to her husband and asked, "Would you like to stop for a coffee?"

"No, thanks," he answered truthfully. So they didn't stop.

The result? The wife, who had indeed wanted to stop, became annoyed because she felt her preference had not been considered. The husband, seeing his wife was angry, became frustrated. Why didn't she just say what she wanted?
Unfortunately, he failed to see that his wife was asking the question not to get an instant decision, but to begin a negotiation. And the woman didn't realize that when her husband said no, he was just expressing his preference, not making a ruling. When a man and woman interpret the same interchange in such conflicting ways, it's no wonder they can find themselves leveling angry charges of selfishness and obstinacy at each other.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


God’s Mystery and Power Revealed in the Female
The woman in her primary call and design reflects the role and manner the Holy Spirit plays in the life of a Christian. The bible uses so many words describing the Holy Spirit to describe the woman.
There is something about the inspired sexuality of the woman that is designed to reveal and unleash something about how God relates with men, deal with issues in relationships and develops relationships.
Rom 1:20 KJV
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;”
In being a woman, and an effective one, the woman has very little to teach her about womanhood, most time they try to fit into man's and societal definition of womanhood.You need to come to terms with your divine sexuality and let that be your guiding light in expressing yourself as a woman.
Thus the woman is given some of the functional qualities of the Holy Spirit (designed to mirror that of the Holy Spirits relationship with the believer) in her relationship with man. Unfortunately these qualities are being lost in women's relationship with the men. The woman bears the same name, ministry, nature and qualities the Holy Spirit bears in His personal relationship with Christians; Help, companion, good thing, comforter, life-giver, teacher, counselor, tender, gentle meekness etc. We will look at these uniques similarities later in "The call of the woman series"
To know your role and how you were designed to carry it out as woman take a look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Your true purpose goes beyond the natural uses man's ignorance of your divine purpose informs him of and which you are tempted to conform to.

Friday, August 6, 2010



Sanctified Sexuality of the woman.
One of the errors mankind lives by is trying to handle a mystery with human logic.  God’s purpose in creating the woman is a mystery, the concept of the male and female by which God defines mankind and Himself is a mystery in that it connects to the very nature of God and his image expressed in us.

The Divine Nature of the Woman.

The essence of a woman is first spiritual and in this spiritual essence lay her mystery, power and influence. Her beauty and power the bible says is in the inner man. Her humanity helps her relate to the man but it is her divine calling and pedigree that enables her deal with and respond in a transforming way to the man and so develop inspired relationships with men

God was the first to introduce the concept of sex type as in male and female in describing and analyzing mankind linking our sexuality to His very nature. More than physiological differences apparent to us, or our attempts at socio- demographical classification. God seeks to reveal and express the dimensions of His own divine nature through our divine or sanctified sexuality one gender to one another. God is male and female, every word that describes God is a mystery even though it is expressed in creation.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


1 Cor 1:25 KJV
“… the weakness of God is stronger than men…”
Can you imagine that  the bible talks about the weakness of God.

How do you receive a revelation of the weakness of God and how it overcomes men? Take a look at the woman!

“…Open your eyes and there it is!
20 By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can't see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being…”  Romans 1:19-20 (MSG)

"To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?"

— Mahatma Gandhi

Romans 1:19-20 KJV

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead;…”

When a woman understand and lives in the nature of God in this regard then the woman’s strength is her so called weakness. In the woman, God reveals another dimension of strength that overcomes and confounds the strength of men or what men call strength. 

Indeed there are certain battles in life that do not answer to the kind of strength men are used to flaunt rather, a different kind of strength is the key. That is one of the mysteries of the dimension of strength revealed in the woman in her relationship with the man. The bible reveals that the invincible things of God even his eternal power are clearly seen being understood by the things he has made. Every of God’s creature reveals His attributes, power, nature and wisdom.



1 Cor 1:25 KJV 
25 “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men;..”


God is not foolish, to men God’s wisdom looks foolish, Christ dieing on the cross looks foolish, how can God allow his creatures do that to him. The world says seeing is believing, they say the way to gain more is to keep getting, God says believing is seeing and that the way to gain more is give more. God’s wisdom is designed to confound men. 

In your relationship with men, many of the things you will be required to do may look foolish but I assure you that is exactly what helps you overcome the wisdom of Satan and the carnal wisdom of men. Just make sure everything is done not out of selfish and blind desire but in understanding of God’s will. Experience the rare privilege of overcoming the wisdom and strength of men God style after all you were created to be like him and get things done His way.



Spiritual Peculiarities.

How your sexuality was meant to mirror and reveal Divine sexuality
How do you best express your femaleness? Most women tend to imagine that expression of femaleness starts and ends with being. Sexy, fashionable, and (classy). Well these are part of the how God creates a woman to express herself but really these cannot help achieve the primary purpose for which she was designed. It is grossly inadequate.

One of the reasons most women find it difficult to initiate inspired relationships with men is because they lack understanding of their sanctified sexuality. Yet it is only with such understanding do they realize the power, influence, beauty, purpose and reason for relating with the man. In the absence of which their relationships or lack of one with men is  limited by that which their emotions and feelings dictate.

One of the wrong questions I have been asked by women is what do I, or what does a man want from a woman? I have always told those who ask such questions that the question will not give them the answer they need in their quest for fulfilling and inspired relationship with the man. The mysteries of the flesh, sin, the woman, human desires, make that question incapable of supplying the right answer. First there is difference between needing something and wanting or desiring something. Human desires are always changing and are never satisfied
Ecclesiastes 1:8 KJV
“…the eye is not satisfied with seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing…”

Like Solomon found out having sampled every kind of woman he desired, the key to fulfillment is not in going after or getting what we want or desire but in knowing what we need and living for the purpose that creates those  needs. The key to fulfilled desires is purpose and the pursuit of purpose.

Solomon who by the way should know better, having sampled over 1000 women hinted that one among a thousand women he really was hard pressed to find the difference. That’s why he kept researching the female specimen. To the natural man it all adds up to this, the knowledge revealed by his natural use and engagement with the woman rarely changes from what he has already known. They are different roads leading to the same destination i.e. for a carnal man who only has a natural use for the woman and for a woman who has no understanding of the call of a woman.

Eccl 7:27-29
27 “Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:

28 Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.”


We all have ideas or perception as to the significance or meaning of our gender or sex. It is more important to come to the understanding or revelation of God’s idea of your sexuality because that is what enables us to become who were made to be especially in our relationship with the opposite sex making us effective and helping us develop purpose driven and fulfilling cross-gender relationships. The significance, uniqueness, power, purpose and beauty of our sex is revealed when contrasted with the opposite sex.

Sanctified sexuality refers to the dedication of the expression of our sexuality in relationship with the opposite gender to the plans and designs of God in making the way we are gender wise, such that His image is reflected in our interaction with life and in cross gender relationships.

Why study your sexuality.
1.                        To be aware that there is a divine mystery, purpose and dimension to it. Mystery presupposes a secret that gives those who know it and advantage over those who don’t as well a serious confusion and frustration for those who don’t.
2.                        To help identify your strengthens and weakness
3.                        Helps us be an appropriate tool in the hand of God who made us that way (a mystery) rather than an object of abuse and misuses in the hand of men, who are fallen and ignorant and the enemy who lies and obscures the truth.