Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There is one error I women talk about most of the time, particularly when the issue of the marked disconnect in transgender relationships especially amongst Christians comes up. Women are wont to say “it’s the man who makes the first move, it’s up to the man to initiate relationships, so there is little a woman can do,” etc.

“First, this is not the truth, truth is a mystery, and to know the truth about anything is to know what God knows about a thing. For instance The bible word “see” or “to see” actually means to see what is actually causing or behind what you are seeing or sensing and to be “blind” is not to see beyond what appears to your physical eyes or what is actually responsible for what you are seeing or sensing. That was why Jesus kept telling the Pharisees that they where blind. Because they really couldn’t see what was behind what there senses perceive.

The basis idea is simply without an understanding of God’s word, plan, and purpose you can’t correctly discern what you are seeing hearing and experiencing.

Back to the question who wins the other in initiating and developing male- female relationships as designed by God, the male of the female?

The answer is simple yet steeped in the mystery of God’s plans, purpose and design-
The woman, it is the woman who wins the man. It will take a deeper understanding of the deep mystery of the male –female relationships as originally designed by God to grasp the truth.

 1st the narrative of the fall and the realities of the male- female relationships reveal profound truths. Whilst the man was giving position and authority in the male-female relationship, the woman was given the supremacy of influence in male –female relationships. Meaning the woman was divinely designed to influence man’s choices and exercise of his position and authority including that of his choice, desire and character of man’s relationship with her.

In falling, Adam was not deceived he knew the consequences of his actions but still did it why? Because the woman told him so

1 Timothy 2:14
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived…”

Adam jumped into fire without the woman pointing a gun at his head, he jumped simply because the woman told him to. Now that is a mystery. He would not be the only man in the bible to do that,

The strongest man who no man could vanquish (Samson) succumbed to the woman who told him, show me how to destroy you. I always wondered how can a woman tell a man I want to destroy you ,show me how to destroy and each time the man told the woman in trickery the woman actually carried out the plan. Until Samson actually revealed the truth that would destroy him to her. Now that’s a mystery.

It’s the mystery of the woman’s influence.

1 Kings 11:3 KJV
The wisest man who should know better did that
And he (Solomon) had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

The bible says know king did evil as Ahab who his wife stirred up to evil.
The most pious of men king David fell to power of the woman

I can go on. At the same time we also see the positive influences of women in their relationship with the man and the influence of the exercise of men’s choices, authority and positions in the bible talking about Abigail, Deborah etc.

The bible reveals that it is the wife that wins her husband by her conduct without words.

1 Peter 3:1-2
1… that they (husbands) may be won over without words by the conduct of their wives,…”

Now that is a deep and powerful mystery in many respects.

It says the wife wins her own husband in line with the will of God without saying words (like men need to do) but by her conduct and essence.

It is God’s will and design for the woman to win her own husband and consequently each woman is uniquely empowered to win own husband. That is, you are anointed to win your own husband. In whatever shape that means in line with God’s will.

Furthermore the verse does not merely refer to married couples it also refers to singles as well.

As a single woman, you were designed to win your own husband, because a woman is a man’s wife awaiting the man’s discovery of that truth. That is why the bible says “ he that findeth a wife finds a good thing..” rather than he that findeth a woman. The word find in that verse does not actually mean to find by looking for much like Adam wasn’t looking for a wife before getting one, it actually means to discover something much like a revelation. You were designed to be a man’s wife awaiting the man’s discover, living in the light that communicates the reality to the man is another mystery. The design and revelation of the woman brought to Adam’s reality and discovery what God engineered the woman for. This is why it is the woman that God designed to win the man.

Eve was clearly designed for Adam, God couldn’t force her on him, God did not even hint Adam why He made Eve, if Adam had looked at Eve and looked away, or not interested in her as a wife. It wasn’t Eve’s fault it was God’s who made a product that flopped. God’s plan for both would have been frustrated.We are all created for relationships yet we can’t force individuals into relationship with us, even God can’t his mystery of beauty and attraction is the means which is hinged on a deeper underlying purpose is the means. See the “Mystery of Beauty” blogs.

Eve was designed to win Adam’s heart

One basic truth here is that you play a part in helping the man come to that understanding. Rather than saying it is the man who is supposed to make the 1st move as women imagine. Actually you play an extremely important and mysterious role in determining if the man makes that discovery and make the move in line with God’s will.

Though men are physically in charge, women influence a lot in life and in their relationship with men than they readily discern. The bible reveals that things that are seen are actually produced by things that are not seen.

God clearly made Eve as a wife for Eve, Adam wasn’t even thinking of one. Adam relationship with Eve as willed by God was born out of Eve manifestation as designed by God, Eve didn’t have to say anything.

See also


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