Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Our Lord always used natural things in parables to illustrate divine mysteries. The word says we should learn from nature to see how the power and wisdom of God works.

“But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! 20 By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can't see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So nobody has a good excuse…” 21 Romans 1:19-21 (MSG)

Lets learn from the little rose by taking a thoughtful look at its power of attraction! Both to mankind and insects. What does a Rose do to be desired and pursued? Be a rose of course! It does not have to study what human beings desire, or the insect’s instinct, on the contrary human beings were designed with sight and smell to desire that which the rose was naturally designed to reflect. Furthermore when it is time for pollination, the rose merely gives a fragrance that the insect is designed by God to sense and be attracted to.


Besides, a woman’s beauty doesn’t make other women ugly, meaning if it’s about what he wants and trying to be it, other women can do that, where does that live you? In competition? When all you do is make yourself pretty, you only put yourself in the position of being just another pretty face in a line up of many other pretty faces.


I was counseling a young woman on a particular issue. Strangely after the session she changed the topic and said “I want to ask you a question” “feel free” I replied. She proceeded and asked “what do you or …what do men want in a woman?

I sighed “that is a complicated question” I started “and it is not as simple as people think” I tried to summarize, thinking about how to give the real answer she desperately needed to know, rather than the information her question will fetch her.

I went on to teach her about God’s “mystery of attraction.” The conclusion was, if it’s about knowing what it takes to attract the right relationships, which is what she really wanted to know asking “what a man wants in a woman” is the wrong question to ask.

You don’t attract people by trying to know and become what they want. It only leaves you helpless, confused and exposed to the vagaries of man’s insatiable desires. . Yet the question is one I have been asked in one shape or the other many times before. It is a question most women have asked especially where they are not succeeding in their relationships with the man.

A woman was making a call at my sisters call center, she was raining curses on her husband after her tirade she hung up and asked my sister “in spite of how beautiful I am, this crazy guy is still messing around, what does he want? am I not beautiful enough? Funny question you would say? But that’s the irony of human concept of beauty, I can reel out an unending least of so called divas, whose husband still left them.

Well, I asked my sister if the woman was really beautiful and my sister confirmed she was indeed very beautiful. One can imagine the despair that comes from being and giving what you think a someone wants to attract them in relationship only to discover it is not enough to sustain the relationship.

When it comes to relationship and attraction and peoples attempt or failure to attract the right individuals, I notice people generally tend to ask the wrong questions. As a lawyer I know the key to arriving at the truth or right answer is asking the right questions. Asking any questions will give you information but the truth is actually what you need. The right question to ask

in seeking to attract the right relationships is not what the guy or woman wants, rather, it is asking and discovering what God has put in you that He made men to desire and pursue and so create relationships which lie at the very root of God’s plans on earth. You are the seed for every relationship God designed you to stimulate with His flavour in you.


That was the topic of we had in my church sometimes back at the singles interactive and it was explosive. The audience was divided into different sitting groups based on what they believe was the answer. Group (A) believes the gods(i.e economy and circumstances beyond mans control), are to be blamed and not the man or the woman, Group (B) believes men are to be blamed, Group (C) believes both men and women are responsible, Group (D) believes women are responsible.
Others believed every individual is responsible for the state their relationships. Some of us believe the matter is not as simply as that. So what do you think?

For group (A), they are like the economy and circumstances beyond man is responsible, in that in the absence of a good job, etc., its not wise to take on the added responsibility of marriage and children.
On the other hand, Group (B) especially the women in this group argued that it takes man to propose, if the man doesn't propose there is nothing the woman can do, further, they are like men are deceitful and as a woman you don't really know where you are in their heart.

The men in this group also opined that men are always looking for women beyond their reach instead of one at their level that no matter where you are as a man there is always a woman who will appreciate you and stick with even if it means sleeping on the mat with you. So for them the fault lies with men looking for women beyond their level.

Group © are like women can be choosy, and men are not ready financially. So the fault lies both ways. Group (D) are of the opinion that women have become materialistic, that women really are more interested in a guy who is financially ready. They also opined that most women are not willing to submit and that they have become carried away by career and education etc, interestingly it was the women themselves that said this.

Well I have my own opinion but one thing I observed no one tried to answer the question from a biblical perspective which I believe makes the submissions unedifying and an exercise in mental argument, blame calling rather than an attempt at discovering the truth. i.e Gods mind on this problem.
I hope to state my take on the issue soon meanwhile whats your take on it.

See this related articles

Is It My Fault That I’m Not Married? 




Before a man comes to initiate relationship or propose to a woman, the woman has already won him by her essence and conduct rather than words. By the time the man comes to the woman, he is merely expressing in words what the woman has done by her conduct and essence. It’s a truth women are vaguely aware of both don’t seem to fully grasp the power and purpose behind their God given power to influence the exercise of a man’s choice, power, authority and position in all things including the man’s relationship with the woman.

When woman are particular about their looks, dress etc they are unconsciously trying to exercise their God given power to influence the man thoughts, choice and relationship with them.

I remember asking a seven year old girl why she avoids eating certain kinds of foods she said “so that when I grow up I will have a good shape ,so l will get a man to marry me. That broke my heart because that statement was a mixture of truth and lie. 1st it reveals the truth that a woman has an important role to play in wining the man, secondly it obscures the truth about her God designed her to do it, limiting it to her looks. But that is another mystery I wrote something about that in my blog “the mystery of beauty” so I wont go into that now.

Unfortunately, women don’t seem to understand that the actual power of a woman to influence the man relationship with them goes deeper than trying to stimulate physical attraction, it actually lies in understanding the purpose of the woman in the male –female relationship as intended by God lining up with it, and being deliberate and inspired in her relationship with the man.

“Conduct in this sense does not mean actions calculated or targeted to bring men into relationship you in line with your preconceived desire, it is actually conducts inspired to influence men in line with God’s purpose for the man. It is helping the man become who God’s wants him to be and helping do what God will have him do.

1st Cor 11:9
“The woman was created for the benefit of the man and not the man for the benefit of the woman”

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There is one error I women talk about most of the time, particularly when the issue of the marked disconnect in transgender relationships especially amongst Christians comes up. Women are wont to say “it’s the man who makes the first move, it’s up to the man to initiate relationships, so there is little a woman can do,” etc.

“First, this is not the truth, truth is a mystery, and to know the truth about anything is to know what God knows about a thing. For instance The bible word “see” or “to see” actually means to see what is actually causing or behind what you are seeing or sensing and to be “blind” is not to see beyond what appears to your physical eyes or what is actually responsible for what you are seeing or sensing. That was why Jesus kept telling the Pharisees that they where blind. Because they really couldn’t see what was behind what there senses perceive.

The basis idea is simply without an understanding of God’s word, plan, and purpose you can’t correctly discern what you are seeing hearing and experiencing.

Back to the question who wins the other in initiating and developing male- female relationships as designed by God, the male of the female?

The answer is simple yet steeped in the mystery of God’s plans, purpose and design-
The woman, it is the woman who wins the man. It will take a deeper understanding of the deep mystery of the male –female relationships as originally designed by God to grasp the truth.